In celebration of its 45th anniversary, the legendary Gundam franchise has teamed up with Crocs for an exciting collaboration. The Gundam x Crocs All-Terrain Clog combines the rugged functionality of Crocs with the iconic design elements of the RX-78-2 Gundam, creating a unique and stylish footwear option for fans and outdoor enthusiasts alike.
The All-Terrain Clog features a base adorned with a vibrant graphic inspired by the RX-78-2 Gundam’s color scheme. The blue, red, and yellow hues are prominently displayed, capturing the essence of the beloved mecha. Additional details include custom Jibbitz charms, adding a touch of personalization to the clogs. A yellow TPU piece protrudes towards the forefoot, enhancing the mechanical aesthetic.
Built for durability and performance, the All-Terrain Clog incorporates several utilitarian upgrades. The rugged outsole provides excellent traction, making it suitable for various terrains. The heel strap has been upgraded with padded fabric, nylon straps, and TPU pieces connecting the lateral and medial sides. The “RX-78-2” name and the Earth Federation Forces logo are featured on the strap, adding to the thematic design.
The Gundam x Crocs All-Terrain Clog releases on July 23rd, 2024. It will be available at and select retailers in adult sizes for $75 USD and kid sizes for $60 USD.
Gundam x Crocs All-Terrain Clog
Release Date: July 23, 2024
Style Code: 210128-0DA
Color: Slate Grey
Price: $75
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